Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hate's a strong word...

But it's true-I hate bo. Right now Brian doesn't have health insurance because he never goes to the doctor. I think he's been 2 or 3 times in our 5 years of marriage. We save a very low estimated amount of 1500 a year. Granted we take a risk if something serious happens to him, we're in trouble but look at the money we've saved. If bo's bill passes, we will be fined $800 a year for not having health insurance. Most people in our same situation will decide they might as well have it than pay an outrageous and unconstitutional fine. Companies w/out benefits will also be fined. Know what will happen then, bo will applaud himself for the amount of people that have insurance under his plan and think people just love it but in reality, he's not giving anyone a choice. Clinton announced that he shouldn't wait for Republicans to agree with it because they never will. He is killing our nation and all you people need to wake up even just a little bit and it will come at you like a hurricane! I guess he's talking about it tonight. Don't be fooled by his master speaking skills and try to find the truth because he won't mention most of the facts. He'll say what you want to hear to get the bill passed.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I just want to take this Labor Day to let everyone know how grateful I am to have a job. I know there are millions in our country that don’t and are struggling. As far as our leadership they seem to be clueless. On Thursday our vice president Joe Biden let us all know that because of the 787 billion dollar stimulus bill we have created or saved 750,000 jobs. WOW that’s great if you don’t look at the current unemployment growth. That same day unemployment was announced to have reached 9.7% from the 7.5% when the stimulus plan was passed. So lets say 150 million of us work that is a total job loss of 3 million people. Lets wake up people. -Brian

Here are the links:

On Biden's speech

Unemployment rates

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I tried to leave a comment on the comment in my last post but it didn't work. I thought I'd state a quick opinion about E-verify which is, I disagree with it. My reasoning is based on the fact that as far as I know, it doesn't work. Not that the idea isn't good because I agree with the concept but that the actual system isn't reliable. Now, there may be some updates to it since the last time we tried it out but all I know is it causes a lot of headache and money for companies to implement. My opinion, however, is biased as I work for a roofing company. I suppose come September 8th, I will find out for sure how accurate or not, the program is but I've seen the flow chart and what to do for certain situations and it is huge, complicated, and I am not looking forward to dealing with its inaccuracies again. I'll tell you this, find me a white guy that will work on a roof in the middle of August. I more or less would rather make these guys legal and paying taxes, you know, contributing to instead of diminishing society.


I want to make another comment since my last post on bo speaking to the kids. I don't want to make a huge deal of it but I do disagree with it even if all he's doing is saying "don't do drugs, stay in school." I also know that most of the teacher's out there are more liberal (in my experience) and feel he has the right to influence our children. I bet they'd be singing a different tune if Bush was to do the same thing. Am I right, of course! Now what will the speech be? This is hearsay but I do believe he had intentions of intertwining his political stances but has halted due to the uproar. Of course it's us right-winged folk blowing it out of proportion. Whatever. They need to see it a little better from our perspective. That's all I'm saying. I would want to take my kids out of school to protest but we're strong enough in our political views that I think I'd be okay with my kids watching it (I have two crazy boys that probably wouldn't listen anyway) and coming home and asking us questions. It's good for kids to be aware and knowledgeable about politics. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's been a while...

And not because I don't have stuff because believe you me, there is plenty-almost too much. I'm just not able to keep up. Actually, I've just been too busy to keep this up to date.

I do have to bring up the health care reform bo's trying to push through. He keeps blaming the Republicans that they are holding it back but the truth is the Dem's hate it also. He can't even get a partisan vote on this practically laughable bill. I am all for finding ways of affording health care. I live with an incurable disease that will go in and out of remission whenever it wants and I will be on medications the rest of my life. I can't be without group health care coverage which for me and my children costs $65 a week! I can't afford it but I don't have a choice. That premium will go up in the next couple of months and my employer will luckily keep the benefit for it's employees but cannot afford to pay a portion of it. That will bring my price to $150 a week. You can believe me when I say something needs to be done and I know it but guess what? The new plan will not help me and it won't help my employer. He will not be able to take part in any government help because he has the health coverage already. It will be for people who don't have it. Who is that you may ask? Illegals! The politicians give this outrageous percentage of people who are without health care and they aren't telling you that most of that number comes from illegal aliens. It's so nice that we're going to help out this group of people who are sucking our economy dry and stealing our SS#', driving without insurance and you have to pay for everything when they hit you with their car, and getting the government help. How is that fair? They are turning us into a 3rd world country! The weird thing to me is these aliens hate America. They don't want to be American. I'm just dumbfounded. Again, no help to us honest and decent folk. Nope, we get punished instead. Thanks again bo!

Is it true bo wants to make a statement to the children in our schools? I have two opinions about that if I had a child going to school. One, take my child out for the day to protest his brain washing and two, let them listen and take notes so that I have some more fuel for this giant bonfire. I think it's funny that he thinks he can use the education system like that. What a dummy. Ha ha ha!