Monday, April 20, 2009

Geee Wiz, thanks bo!

So most of you should have noticed a minimal decrease in your federal taxes a couple weeks ago. Well our lovely state of AZ has decided to increase our state tax effective 05/01/09. We knew this was coming with the spending spree going on but there is more to it than anyone will tell you. The state tax withheld is a percentage of the federal tax withheld. If less is being withheld from the federal, then that is also less money for the State so the State is trying to compensate. Gee-golly, you're one swell guy bo! He's going to get credit for "lowering taxes." I just think that's a bunch of crap!

Ha ha-How true is this?

Friday, April 3, 2009


Is it interesting to anyone else that people think you're a racist if you don't like bo?-They just automatically think that because how could you dislike him? If you do, you have to be racist. You couldn't possibly disagree with the choices he's making.-It's interesting to me only because race is what won him the election. For the record, my husband and are are not racist and could care less if bo was black, white, tan, or pink. I think people want to believe he is disliked because he's black just to detour us from disliking him for his beliefs and policies.