1. It's against the will of the people. That's pretty big. bo has decided to take the role of God and do whatever HE feels is right no matter how many people disagree with it. Guess what, that isn't how America works and you are much closer in personality to Satan then God (just had to say it). Oh, and when I say "bo" in all this, I'm also including all the maggot politicians that are enforcing this bad idea upon all of us as well. I really would hate to leave Nancy out of this. She does deserve some semblance of credit, right? So back to "it's against the will of the people". Now, it's literally more than half of the country disagrees (dems and reps both) and I believe those that do agree, really haven't read the bill or they just follow whatever bo does because their idiots and can't think for themselves. Man, do I sound bitter at all? But seriously? Have any of you had a debate with someone on the opposing side that had any facts or anything relevant to say regarding the health plan? No! They really have nothing to bring to the table. Even bo can't have a good debate with anyone because I don't think he knows what's going on himself or he thinks we're all stupid and won't see the hard evidence of his unethical and illegal activities. Both are bad characteristics to have if you are to govern a country. Ugh!
2. So let's move right in to his unethical activity. If you have to bribe several senator's to vote for this piece of hud, isn't that clue number one that something is just not right? I can't believe it's allowed, to be quite honest. It's absolute crap! The sucky thing is I'm equally mad to the bone heads who took the bribe. I guess anyone can be bought at any price. Integrity is fading from our country and it's killing me because it's what we need most!
3. Is it really fair to continue to tax the wealthy? So they have to pay for their own insurance and then everyone else's? How is that fair or even constitutional? They already pay most of the taxes but here, let's take more-they've got money to spare. I've learned that I never want to make more than $75,000 a year because after that, I have to start giving it all away. How sad is that. Our America-the land of opportunity and success is becoming a country of "do as little as possible to get by and if you can't, no worries, we'll take care of you better than you can take care of yourself! You'll never want to work again!" I'm really scared for my kids.
4. Will put businesses out of business. Small to medium sized businesses will not be able to afford to provide insurance for every employee. That's just ridiculous to expect that. So you're going to tax them more and then expect them to shovel out for insurance. Companies with a small profit margin cannot afford that and then everyone is out of the job. Actually, I see how that's part of the plan. bo has done well at increasing unemployment even though he will try to tell you otherwise. He's very cunning (hmmm, reminds me of someone from down under).
5. How is it constitutional that we will have to start paying a fine because Brian doesn't have insurance? How can they possibly have that right? Brian is super healthy. He has been to the doctor like once our whole marriage and the short time we had insurance for him, he never used it. Has saved us tons. Eventually when we are a little more secure, we'll get him the coverage but don't I live in a free country where I get to make that decision? "Ha ha ha! NOT ANYMORE!!"-that's bo laughing at us.
I feel much better now that I've written this all down. I do have some cute emails I got today to post:
So they just passed a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he didn't understand it, passed by a Congress that exempts themselves from it, signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese.........and better yet it is to be financed by a country that's broke? Repost if you agree.
Grrr. I can't get to all of them right now but I'll post them later.Surely this can't last...
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