Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nancy=idiot monkey

I'm feeling quite hostile today about the health care bill passing so here's a fun video for all of you to watch. Keep in mind, America has a total of about 300 million Americans...

-it'd be a little hard for 500 mil to lose their jobs everyday, right? ha ha ha!

I have to give my quick 2 cents on the health bill. I am pissed for this list of reasons:

-it supports federal funded abortions.
-it got it's last few votes by bribery (should be illegal!)
-it puts a 5% increase in taxes for the wealthy-so not constitutional
-it's going to increase our rates for those of us who already have insurance because it increases taxes on medical expenses, etc.
-So sick of hearing the ignorant people that still support it and are blind to it's destruction say "finally, every American will have's the American way." They can't be more wrong on both statements!

One funny thing about it all is the idiot union people who voted bo into office and supports his every move will have to pay a huge tax for it. Ha! This bill is insane and all these senator's who went against the will of the people will have to answer to God someday. Sucks to be you! Oh, and good luck getting into office in 2010 and 2012!

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