Saturday, March 14, 2009

Setting America up for failure

So I guess the red flags are just not that red enough. I am hearing people give excuses for bo's behavior with the Prime Minister. Don't let this shock you too much but people are actually comparing the situation to a fart. Yep, they think we are nit-picking. They also think he was just being conservative. Yeah, okay, so he's being a nice guy by saving the country money during this recession by not giving a priceless gift. These people are aware that this is the same guy who will more than double our nations debt within 20 months from what Bush did in 8 years. Plus wasn't Bush's stimlus better (even though I disagreed with it also)? I actually got a check in the mail and I wasn't discriminated against. That's besides the point that bo has all but destroyed what was a good and necessary relationship with G.B.

I've recently learned that bo wants to give SS benefits to illegals. Nice. So not only will we not see those benefits that we've worked for but now we have to give it to others who are here illegally and don't pay taxes and suck our economy dry. Okay, that's fair...NOT! A petition is going around via email and being sent to the white house. If you haven't seen it and want to sign it and forward it on, let me know.

So the most recent development is the countries spending. Watch this videa-Glenn is awesome! Our children's children will pay for this and like I've said before, this "stimulus" is only a band-aid and it seems the government is more concerned with making themselves and the Democratic party look like their doing something beneficial right away than doing what's best for the country.

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