Friday, March 27, 2009

Obama wants to screw our vets.

Thank goodness the nut jobs in Congress don't even want this bill to pass what and insult to our troops to even consider this. SHAME on you Obama.

March 10, 2009

WASHINGTON (CNN) - Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki confirmed Tuesday that the Obama administration is considering a controversial plan to make veterans pay for treatment of service-related injuries with private insurance, but was told by lawmakers that it would be "dead on arrival" if sent to Congress.

Washington Sen. Patty Murray used that blunt terminology, telling Shinseki that the idea would not be acceptable and would be rejected if formally proposed. She made the remarks during a Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs hearing about the 2010 budget.

No official proposal to create such a program has been announced publicly, but veterans groups wrote a pre-emptive letter last week to President Obama opposing the idea after hearing the plan was under consideration. The groups also noticed an increase in “third-party collections” estimated in the 2010 budget proposal—something they said could only be achieved if the VA started billing for service-related injuries.

Asked about the proposal, Shinseki said it was under "consideration."

"A final decision hasn't been made yet," he said.

A second senator, North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, said he agreed that the idea should not go forward.

"I think you will give that up" as a revenue stream, if it is included in this April's budget, Burr said.

Sen. Murray said she'd already discussed her concerns with the secretary the previous week.

"I believe that veterans with service-connected injuries have already paid by putting their lives on the line," Murray said in her remarks. "I don't think we should nickel and dime them for their care."

Eleven of the most prominent veterans organizations have been lobbying Congress to oppose the idea. In the letter sent last week to President Barack Obama, the veterans groups warned that the idea "is wholly unacceptable and a total abrogation of our government's moral and legal responsbility to the men and women who have sacrificed so much."

The groups included The American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, Military Order of the Purple Heart, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

At the time, a White House spokesman would neither confirm nor deny the option was being considere

Obama is a a Threat

Hey this is Brian my first post on this Obama blog. I'm not one of those ignorant people that thinks Obama is Muslim extremest, however i have just had it up to here with him aligning himself with them. here are some facts i just learned about.

President Barack Obama has signed an executive order presidential determination allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to resettle in the United States. Sure, what can go wrong when we allow hundreds of thousands of people who have been, as Mark Steyn memorably described, "marinated" in a "sick death cult," who voted for Hamas, and 55% of whom support suicide bombings live here and at the American taxpayers' expense:

By executive order, President Barack Obama has ordered the expenditure of $20.3 million in migration assistance to the Palestinian refugees and conflict victims in Gaza.

The "presidential determination" which allows hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with ties to Hamas to resettle in the United States was signed on January 27 and appeared in the Federal Register on February 4.

President Obama's decision, according to the Register, was necessitated by "the urgent refugee and migration needs" of the "victims."

Few on Capitol Hill took note that the order provides a free ticket replete with housing and food allowances to individuals who have displayed their overwhelming support of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the parliamentary election of January 2006.

Let's review some of Barack Obama's most recent actions since he was inaugurated a little more than two weeks ago:

  • His first call to any head of state as president was to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of Fatah party in the Palestinian territory.
  • His first one on one interview with any news organization was with Al Arabia television.
  • He ordered Guantanamo Bay closed and all military trials of detainees halted.
  • He ordered all overseas CIA interrogation centers closed.
  • He withdrew all charges against the masterminds behind the USS Cole and 9/11.
  • Today we learn that he is allowing hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refuges to move to and live in the US at American taxpayer expense.

Anyone else seeing a pattern here?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Setting America up for failure

So I guess the red flags are just not that red enough. I am hearing people give excuses for bo's behavior with the Prime Minister. Don't let this shock you too much but people are actually comparing the situation to a fart. Yep, they think we are nit-picking. They also think he was just being conservative. Yeah, okay, so he's being a nice guy by saving the country money during this recession by not giving a priceless gift. These people are aware that this is the same guy who will more than double our nations debt within 20 months from what Bush did in 8 years. Plus wasn't Bush's stimlus better (even though I disagreed with it also)? I actually got a check in the mail and I wasn't discriminated against. That's besides the point that bo has all but destroyed what was a good and necessary relationship with G.B.

I've recently learned that bo wants to give SS benefits to illegals. Nice. So not only will we not see those benefits that we've worked for but now we have to give it to others who are here illegally and don't pay taxes and suck our economy dry. Okay, that's fair...NOT! A petition is going around via email and being sent to the white house. If you haven't seen it and want to sign it and forward it on, let me know.

So the most recent development is the countries spending. Watch this videa-Glenn is awesome! Our children's children will pay for this and like I've said before, this "stimulus" is only a band-aid and it seems the government is more concerned with making themselves and the Democratic party look like their doing something beneficial right away than doing what's best for the country.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Awesome Video!

You want facts-here you go. This is exactly what Americans need to be looking at. You can't dispute real statistics and actual evidence of what works and what doesn't in this society. Study this video and no one will stand a chance against you at winning an argument (not that I'm encouraging that). :)

Health care goes down the drain

Okay, so health care isn't that great right now anyway. My husband doesn't even have health insurance at the moment because it's too expensive. Unless you are perfectly healthy with the occasional sickness, the rest of us struggle for the rest of our lives to maintain affordable medical coverage. I know first hand what this is like. I am an individual, unlike my husband, who can't afford not to have insurance. What I do like about the health care system is it is my choice to have or not to have insurance. I get to exercise what this good country is founded upon-freedom. To my understanding, bo is encouraging a socialized health care system where everyone will have insurance (good idea) but you no longer have the right to choose that. Your wages will be garnished and you will be forced to pay for insurance whether you need/want it or not. But don't worry, we will all have it. Now, this is just hearsay but let's throw in a fact. The "stimulus" will now cover 65% of the Cobra bill for anyone terminated between 09/01/08-12/31/09. The "stimulus" began 03/01/09 and anyone who didn't elect for coverage before, may elect as of 03/01/09 and only has to pay 35% of what used to be 102% of the medical premiums. This is wrong on so many levels and here's why (I don't even know where to start):
1. The employer fronts that bill and then deducts it from weekly payroll taxes. It won't hurt small businesses terribly but it will be devestating to big businesses that have layed off over thousands of people.
2. Indiviuals terminated before 03/01/09 and didn't elect may elect to start coverage and it will act as if there has been no gap in coverage which will insure higher insurance rates.
3. The new Cobra program will have to be integrated into business systems, money will be spent on training, new tax forms will be developed, etc. So businesses already hurting (almost everyone) will get another blow for having a business (Shame on all of you for taking risks, starting companies and employing thousands of people!) Does it really sound right to punish big business?
4. The "stimulus" encourages people to sit at home and do nothing. Hmmm... Maybe I should get myself terminated.
5. Most importantly, the government has no money to do this and after they front the bill the first year, our state will be forced to continue it which means what?...Higher taxes.

Now, I do not want to bash the people who this will sincerely help right now and I know there are many who didn't ask to be laid-off. The truth is this is just a band-aid for the very few people this will help but will cost us so much more in the long run. There are so many people abusing the welfare system right now and it is a huge strain on our society. What the government should do is cut some breaks for businesses to allow them to employ people so that people are at least working for their hand-out. Right? This just seems so common sense to me.

I'm Officially Scared

I have kept my mouth shut about my feelings of our current president. I am not one to stir up controversy but he is doing things that are quite literally, destroying America. The media is good at keeping those things hidden and though I have tried to give this man the benefit of the doubt, there are too many obvious red flags that I feel everyone needs to be aware of and understand. When I first heard Obama speak, I told my husband I wanted to vote for him. He is a very smooth talker and "looks good" but please...I urge you to look at the facts. I am starting with one of the most recent foobars of the president and will post many others. Please watch this video and send a letter to Great Britain. We need them right now and if Obama can't see that, at least let them know that we can. Thanks for reading.